Change Log

0.0.3 (2019-12-14)

Writes appropriately to instruments and properties.

More uniform structure and API:

  • Specification for an axis or property specifies a relationship to an instrument that will be made at time of instrument __init__.
  • ScanDegreeOfFreedom helper class for daquiri.scan.scan useful in constructing scans over instrument axes and properties.

General improvements

  • Tore out a lot of old code.
  • No more metaclass programming.
  • Fewer magic strings.
  • Started putting stronger type hinting in place.
  • CollectUI can now be nested/scoped.

Logical Axes

Logical axes supporting arbitrary coordinate transforms are now available, even with state. These are “local” to the same managed instrument.

The internal state is currently lost when restarting but this will be changed in a future release.


No more test_cls mock information is placed on the axis directly with a mock= keyword. All axes are mocked if the global setting is used or if the driver for the instrument subclasses the sentinel MockDriver.


Started putting together real documentation.

General Usabability

The first generally usable release will be 0.1.0 and we should be very close.

0.0.2 (2019-09-10)

Added scan modes + publish examples through the examples module.

0.0.1 (2019-09-09)

  • Essentially working for basic applications