
While you can plot interim data however you like using custom panels, many use cases actually fit well enough into common contexts that DAQuiri has extra primitives to work with for plotting data. For performance reasons, most of these use pyqtgrah instead of Matplotlib, but either can be used.

Adding plots for interim data to scan methods

In the sequence method of a scan, we have access to the experiment object. Using this, we can additional plots to be displayed using python:meth:Daquiri.experiment.Experiment.plot. This function expects a few arguments: name= which specifies the name or title to attach to the plot in the interface, the independent= axes as the axis URLs, and the dependent= axes as axis URLs.

def sequence(self, experiment, ...):
    # plot the reads from `power_meter.device` against `mc.stages[0]` while running
    experiment.plot(dependent='power_meter.device', independent=['mc.stages[0]', name='Line Plot')

    # plot the reads from `power_meter.device` against `mc.stages[0]` and `mc.stages[1]` as a
    # heatmap
    experiment.plot(dependent='power_meter.device', independent=['mc.stages[0]', 'mc.stages[1]'],
                    name='Heatmap/Image Plot)

Adding plots as their own Panels

For an example of adding a plot as its own panel, have a look at daquiri.examples.plot_data.