Usage Examples

For usage examples, explore the scripts in the examples folder. You can run them with

$ python -m daquiri.examples.[example_name]

replacing [example_name] with one of:

  1. minimal_app
  2. plot_data
  3. simple_actors
  4. ui_panels
  5. wrapping_instruments
  6. scanning_experiment
  7. scanning_experiment_revisited
  8. scanning_interlocks
  9. scanning_custom_plots
  10. scanning_setup_and_teardown
  11. scanning_properties_and_profiles

You can also get a list of all the available examples by running

$ python -m daquiri.examples

Granular Examples


If we are just calling methods on our driver, we can use the declarative interface to generate an axis. Here, we generate a polarization axis which reads from driver.thorlabs_rot_controller.theta and provides no write capability.

class ExampleInstrumnt(ManagedInstrument):
    polarization = AxisSpecification(float, where=['thorlabs_rot_controller.theta'])


We can also wrap discrete configuration (Properties) of our instruments, which allows us to scan over, read, and write from these bits of configuration during our experiment. This is exceptionally useful because it allows DAQuiri to generate scans for us that allow us to determine optimal configuration conditions for our experiments, and to automatically log the state of our hardware on startup and shutdown, and before and after each run of our experiment.

class ExampleLockInAmplifier(ManagedInstrument):
    # a discrete property
    time_constant = ChoicePropertySpecification(
        choices=LockinDriver.TIME_CONSTANTS, where=['time_constant'])

    # a continuous property
    internal_freq = PropertySpecification(float, where=['internal_frequency'])


@axis provides an interface similar to Python’s @property descriptor for an axis. This is especially useful if the declarative interfaces provided by the *Specification classes are too constraining for your use case. In particular, you get to define arbitrary async methods on your instrument that handle reading and writing for your axis, as well as mocks.

class ExampleInstrument(ManagedInstrument):
    STEPS_PER_RAD = 4500
    _mock_polarization = 0

    async def polarization(self):
        steps = self.driver.thorlabs_rot_controller.theta_steps
        return float(steps) / STEPS_PER_RAD

    async def polarization(self, value):
        steps = value * STEPS_PER_RAD
        while True:
            if self.driver.thorlabs_rot_controller.theta_motion_finished():

            await asyncio.sleep(0.1)

    async def polarization(self):
        return self._mock_polarization

    async def polarization(self, value):
        self._mock_polarization = value

If you don’t need them, you don’t have to provide the @mock_read and @mock_write functions. As a shorthand for just storing a value on a property, you can also pass mock_to= to the call to the @axis decorator, which is entirely equivalent

class ExampleInstrument(ManagedInstrument):
    STEPS_PER_RAD = 4500

    @axis(float, mock_to='_mock_polarization')
    async def polarization(self):
        steps = self.driver.thorlabs_rot_controller.theta_steps
        return float(steps) / STEPS_PER_RAD

    async def polarization(self, value):
        steps = value * STEPS_PER_RAD
        while True:
            if self.driver.thorlabs_rot_controller.theta_motion_finished():

            await asyncio.sleep(0.1)

Scan Methods

There are many different ways of defining types of scans your experiment should be able to perform. Make sure you’re familiar with the scan documentation, and then you can have a look below.

In order to use a scan, you need to make sure it’s registered with your experiment by adding it to the python:attr:daquiri.experiment.Experiment.scan_methods attribute.

class MyExperiment(Experiment):
    scan_methods = [
        # Scan method classes here


The most direct way to specify a scan is to sequence the actions explicitly yourself. This amounts to making a class with a sequence generator providing the motion and DAQ steps.

DAQuiri insists on classes for this purpose because typically your scan will require some configuration (conditions under which to collect data, desired ranges, etc.).

You should use the dataclass decorator (@dataclasses.dataclass) for now, so that DAQuiri can render UI for you to populate the configuration of the scan. In the future, you will be able to specify how to render fields if you need to.

import numpy as np
from dataclasses import dataclass

class CustomScanMethod:
    n_points: int = 100
    start_point: float = 0
    step_size: float = 0.1

    def sequence(self, experiment, point_mover, value_reader):
        points = np.arange(self.start_point, self.start_point + self.n_points * self.step_size, self.n_points)
        for next_point in points:
            yield point_mover.location.write(next_point)

This is the most general way to write a scan. If you’re very familiar with Python, you’ll realize that we are yielding values back to the caller of this function. We might be tempted to think that these are the values we wrote to the location axis and read from the value axis respectively, but they are not. Instead, they are Python objects that describe the intent we would like to accomplish: in the first case, setting location to next_point’s value, and in the second reading a value from value_reader.value. These are collected by an Experiment runtime inside DAQuiri and handled asynchronously.

Despite looking like clean imperative code, this provides a fully declarative way of sequencing scans, and this some huge advantages: DAQuiri can record every action taken during the course of our experiment and save it transparently for us with our data. Additionally, DAQuiri takes care of the difficulty of dealing with asynchronous code for us. Any values we yield together will happen at the same time, and everything in that yield will finish before DAQuiri moves onto the next step in the sequence.

Automated Products

You can also generate scans by forming products over axes. This is what is provided by python:func:daquiri.scan.scan, which constructs a class with a .sequence method for you by scanning over the axes provided and reading from the axes specified in the read= keyword.

d_location = PointMover.scan('mc').location()

scan(location=d_location, read={'signal': 'value_reader.value'})

Manually Sequencing Scans

In addition to the declarative interface DAQuiri allows you to take full control if you need. Here’s an example entirely equivalent to the one above, except that we write the async code ourselves and have direct access to the instruments.

class CustomScanMethod:
    n_points: int = 100
    start_point: float = 0
    step_size: float = 0.1

    async def sequence(self, experiment, point_mover, value_reader):
        points = np.arange(self.start_point, self.start_point + self.n_points * self.step_size, self.n_points)
        for next_point in points:
            await point_mover.location.write(next_point)
            value = await

            yield {'point_mover.location': next_point, 'value_reader.value': value}

We still yield back to DAQuiri, but now it is with the actual data. This also allows us to do some computation on the data if necessary. You might notice that DAQuiri does not make it very simple to compute values to be saved in the standard (declarative) interface. This is intentional: it is better to save the data in as close a format as it was recorded as possible, together with as much metadata about the process as possible, and push computations to your data analysis. Saving partially analyzed adds opacity to the DAQ process that contravenes scientific reproducibility.